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The Cambridge Academy of Medicine supports and encourages social interaction amongst its

members. We also promote continuing education by organizing and sponsoring lectures that

are relevant to the practice of medicine in our area. In the past, we have had specialists from

our own community speak to the membership about pertinent issues. These events also allow

us to meet specialists whom we often know only by name.


Other events in the past have included a yearly clinical day, a yearly holiday dinner with

presentation of service awards, a golf tournament, a bowling\pizza afternoon for doctors and

their families and a day at the African Lion Safari. Each of these activities makes Cambridge a

more enjoyable place to practice medicine.



We believe that Cambridge's Community of Doctors is stronger together. Become part of our outstanding community.

Our Mission

Our Mission

  • Provide educational and social activities for its members​

  • Recognize humanitarian contributions and lifetime achievements made by its members

  • Introduce and welcome new doctors to our medical community

Cambridge Academy Gala 2019.jpg

First Year - No Charge*

*We extend an invitation to any new physicians in Cambridge (within 1 year), retired physicians, medical students, interns or residents to become a member and attend any of our activities for free.


Learn more here.

Looking for Membership Information?

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